"honestly beautiful and surrounded by an elegant composition that is approximately three parts James Morrow...and one part Trisha Brown."
- The Chicago Tribune
""the three works of the evening embodied four big C’s: cool but contemplative, cosmic but corporeal.""
- See Chicago Dance
"daredevils who spun on both hands, one hand, back and knees. The action was truly death-defying.."
- See Chicago Dance
"Adding to its allure is the exceptional use of acrobatic movement that is almost balletic in its grace, beauty and the eye-popping skill it requires."
"...the intensely theatrical interaction is conjured by feats of daring partnering, stylized combat, impeccable technique."
"The dancing is the heart and soul of the piece and its heart beats fast"
- Splash Magazine
"With usual charisma, 'The Last First' is Crash's solution to pandemic..."
- SeeChicagoDance
"...so imaginative, so playfully revisionist, so superbly realized..."
- The Chicago Sun-Times
"...one of the most unique dance experiments presently on the Chicago stage."
- Newcity Chicago
"Matthew Bourne, but with a more primitive, ritualistic, streetwise attack."
- Dance Magazine
"Crash flirts with the worlds of concert dance and commercial entertainment."
- SeeChicagoDance.com
"You expect high-octane performing in a Dance Crash endeavor… and you get it"
- Chicago Tribune
"Pulsing with fun, energy, great pop dancing and in-your-face acrobatics."
- Chicago Tribune
"Crash is unafraid of giving us a concert filled with big, flashy flips"
- Arts-Intercepts
"Versed as they are in so many styles, they can be supremely fun to watch."
- Chicago Tribune