Open Company Class
Professional-level Crash company class has RETURNED and is now open to the public!
Every Wednesday, 10:30a-noon, at Visceral Dance Center in Chicago, IL.
Classes are $20 (union/equity is $18). Book your slot in advance OR walk-up and pay at the door.
NOTE: Due to a heavy touring schedule this summer, company class will be cancelled in July and August 3, then again August 24 through September 7.
Sometimes shoes (clean shoes not worn on the street, please), and sometimes barefoot. Come dressed prepared to go upside down.
Guest instructors are always visiting to specialize in breaking, Low Fly, hip hop, capoeira and more… but typical classes will include warm-ups by Monternez Rezell utilizing foundational street dance elements, across-the-floor by Rehearsal Director KC Bevis to build strength, upside down orientation and your relationship with the floor and then combos by Artistic Director Jessica Deahr featuring phrases from signature Crash works.
All advanced and pro dancers of any style are welcome.
Questions about class, feel free to contact KC at KC(at)
Updates on guest instructors are announced on our Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.