Virtual Audition – 2021 Season

Event Details

Chicago Dance Crash is seeking to fill multiple ensemble positions for our 2021 Performance Season.

DEADLINE to apply is November 24th, 2020. All applicants will be given a response in the month of November.

To apply, film yourself performing the two combinations linked below and send a public video link to Jessica Deahr at

In addition to your video, please send along this information:

Name, Phone number, Home Address, Date of Birth.

Headshot or recent pic & resume or a few sentences of your performance & training background.

Crash rehearses at Extensions Dance Center Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-4pm And Fridays 3-5pm with Company Class before rehearsals on Fridays 1:30-3pm.

Please also include any non-negotiable conflicts in 2021.


Accepted dancers must be willing to relocate to Chicago, IL.

Company members receive rehearsal & performance pay while performing apprentices receive performance pay only.

2021 contracts are intended to be offered for January through November, 2021 with a one-month hiatus (10 months total in the calendar year).


Hip Hop Combo link here:

Combo starts after 2 counts of 8 of music.  Once combo finishes, freestyle for at least 4 counts of 8.


Fusion Combo link here:

Freestyle the 1st 4 counts of 8 and then begin the choreography.  (Option to continue freestyling after choreography ends if you have more you’d like to show us.)


Spotify playlist with both tracks:


Please film yourself doing these two combinations and include the vids in your email via a YouTube or Vimeo link, or with Google drive (make sure settings are “anyone with the link can view”)


Date & Time

  • 11/24/20
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